
A useful collection of resources, articles and websites with up-to-date information on moving landscapes and the natural environment.

Regenerative Agriculture Resources



Holistic Management: Allan Savory and Jody Butterfield

Call of the Reed Warbler. Charlie Massy

Dirt to soil: Gabe Brown

Drawdown: Paul Hawkin

The Biggest Estate On Earth: Bill Gamage

Dark Emu: Bruce Pascoe

ABC Landline: Farmers turn back on harsh chemicals, improve biodiversity and lower costs.

Native Forestry Resources


Heartwood: The Art and Science of growing trees for conservation and profit.

Lune de Sang

Cultural Connection Resources


The Biggest Estate On Earth: Bill Gammage

Dark Emu: Bruce Pascoe

Van Dielmen's Land: An Aboriginal History

AILA: Reconciliation Action Plan